Monday, December 1, 2008

‘Eating low GI has helped me maintain a reasonable blood glucose level.’ – Peter
‘I am a health professional and worked shifts until July of this year when I turned 50. Over the past 18 months I was diagnosed as being diabetic and my controlled hypertension was becoming increasingly uncontrolled. Being horizontally displaced (around the abdomen) made future health prospects look bleak. I had yo-yoed on different diets such as the Atkins Diet where I lost weight but felt ill and irritable. (How can less than 40 g of carbs be good for you when your brain requires more to function adequately?) I tried other carb-cutting diets but felt continuously hungry and tended to snack. A low GI diet has helped me maintain a reasonable blood glucose level. HbA1c was 7.9 and in the past six months has been 6.8. Another benefit is better sleep – I don’t have to get up 5–7 times a night to pee!

I am still fighting the BMI thing but have realised that what I put on over 20 years won’t come off overnight so I am aiming for 20 months to reach an acceptable weight. I now read labels and am eating more legumes then red meat which I restrict to about once a week. So a low GI diet has improved my health prospects and has motivated me to carry on this scientific evidence based pathway. Thanks low GI.’


Mary said...

Nice post! Check out this what is a low gi diet

TheDepthOfTouch said...

Low Glycemic Index (GI) Diet =balanced, healthy diet you can stick with for life! Check out my The Depth Of Touch Massage Therapy Blog for FREE GI Diet Calculator!